July 04, 2025 to July 16, 2025
Last year, we sent our first team to Northern Uganda to serve over 1,000 people with medical and eyeglass services, support leaders discipling 100 future Sudanese leaders, and provide over 800 people with vital food supplies. This year, we are joining Africa Renewal Ministries once again to reach these refugees with the hope and love of Christ. We need a full team including doctors, nurses, physical therapists, various clinicians, pharmacists, and those who want to share their faith. This is a wonderful opportunity to show the refugees in Uganda who have experienced great hardship the love of God while also supporting the local church and training leaders who will expand the kingdom. The cost of this trip is $3,600. There will be an informational meeting on Sunday, April 27 at 1pm in the conference room of The Vista. You can email Brian Morehead at bmorehead@rockypeak.org if you would like more information.